"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am doing a new thing!" Isaiah 43:18-19.
Past should not dictate your present or future. Yesterday is over, today is now. You live now. God is the God of the present. He is now. You dwell on the past only to get strength for today or gratitude for your God. Otherwise, do not get stuck there. What is over, over. God is always "I am who I am". Generations come and go, but our God is always now.
Live in the eternal now. Your sins are forgiven now. God loves you now. You can do something good now. God is doing new things. Join in them. Cooperate with Him. He wants you to. Your past should not control your present. Live with God today. It takes courage as we sin a lot and need forgiveness every day, but His grace is new every day, so do not let anything to hold you back. Dare to move forward trusting in your God. God bless you now and forever.