I was thinking how to
inspire you and myself today and decided to give a verse from Romans 8:31:”What,
then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be
against us?“.
People are
searching for partners and they do not want to have enemies. The stronger your friends
and partners are the more secure you can feel. This gives you a lot of
opportunities in various areas of life. Now, imagine having God on your side!
What if He is willing and ready to bless, support and help in anything you do?
That would be awesome. And it is! If you have been reconciled with Him through
His Son’s blood and have become his child. And God does a lot of good things
for his kids.
He is not against
you, because He has removed your sins and cast them away as far as the east is
from the west. He remembers them no more. He is for you. It would be terrible
having God Almighty against you. You might have the strongest people on your
side, but if you have Him against you, you are finished. Thanks God for Jesus
redemption and new nature in our hearts.
Hope it
inspires you. See you tomorrow.
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