"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Conversion to Christianity is not a ritual. It is a radical change of a personality, where God Himself participates by changing the person completely. We are not talking about external things, but about internal ones. The nature of a person changes. Hatred, anger, lies, and anything that sinful is removed from the depths of the human heart. Christ enters his/her nature and removes the old one. Holy Spirit settles in too. New life begins.
Old friends may not understand what is happening with their fella as they have not experienced the "New Birth" themselves. The state of being in Christ affects the way of life, choices, beliefs, behavior. Christ himself participates now in the person's life. God's nature becomes that person's nature. Of course, it takes a while for Christ to start manifesting more and more through a person, but the change is real and the journey to manifest more of the new life has begun and should never end.
Bible verse of the day will provide you with a verse from the book on a daily basis. I believe you will be blessed by reading encouraging and inspirational Bible verses. May God be with you.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Life by faith
"For we live by faith, not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7.
People tend to live led by their fives senses. It is natural. This is how we survive. However, there is one more essential 'sense' that a lot of people are not aware of or they do not live by it. What is it? It is faith. Most would never believe things they do not see. Well, some would, if they hear it from a person they trust.
Yet, Christians are called to live by faith. We believe things we do not see. We see them with our inner eyes. And we actually live by them. We have never seen Christ (maybe in pictures), but we believe Him. We have never seen the Holy Spirit, but we believe He is with us and in us. We believe that if God said something, it is true and we follow that. Whether it is about His commands, or about His promises. We believe them. Faith causes us to lead a different lifestyle, than the one the world leads. We do things they don't do, and don't do thing they do, because we believe some things are acceptable to God, and others are not. We live by faith every day. Yes, we fail too. But all our life is a journey of faith, and our task is to keep it till the day we go to the other side of eternity and stay forever with the One who is the beginning and end of our faith - Jesus Christ.
People tend to live led by their fives senses. It is natural. This is how we survive. However, there is one more essential 'sense' that a lot of people are not aware of or they do not live by it. What is it? It is faith. Most would never believe things they do not see. Well, some would, if they hear it from a person they trust.
Yet, Christians are called to live by faith. We believe things we do not see. We see them with our inner eyes. And we actually live by them. We have never seen Christ (maybe in pictures), but we believe Him. We have never seen the Holy Spirit, but we believe He is with us and in us. We believe that if God said something, it is true and we follow that. Whether it is about His commands, or about His promises. We believe them. Faith causes us to lead a different lifestyle, than the one the world leads. We do things they don't do, and don't do thing they do, because we believe some things are acceptable to God, and others are not. We live by faith every day. Yes, we fail too. But all our life is a journey of faith, and our task is to keep it till the day we go to the other side of eternity and stay forever with the One who is the beginning and end of our faith - Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
God had a plan for us before we were even born
"Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be" Psalms 139:16.
Do you ever feel like God is far away? You pray and prayers seems to be unanswered? You sometimes even wonder whether He even listens to your prayers or ever answers them. It happens to me. We do not see God, and in most cases, especially going through difficult times, we don't feel His presence. However, the word of God tells us very good news. He knows what is happening to us. He knows our thoughts. Before we say a word, He knows what we are going to say. He cares about us, and He will answer our prayers.
The fact is that He takes very special care of you. Before you were even born, He made a good plan for your life. He was with you when you were still in your mother's womb. When you were far away from Him in your mind, behavior, and lifestyle, He was always close to you. And He still is. You have a choice to find out the things that He had written in His book for your life by studying His word, praying, going to church, communicating with other believers. His Holy Spirit will reveal talents, and God's purposes for your life and you will be able to implement what once written in that book the Psalm talks about. God will help you. Never forget, He has prepared good days for you. His plan is good. He is always with you.
Do you ever feel like God is far away? You pray and prayers seems to be unanswered? You sometimes even wonder whether He even listens to your prayers or ever answers them. It happens to me. We do not see God, and in most cases, especially going through difficult times, we don't feel His presence. However, the word of God tells us very good news. He knows what is happening to us. He knows our thoughts. Before we say a word, He knows what we are going to say. He cares about us, and He will answer our prayers.
The fact is that He takes very special care of you. Before you were even born, He made a good plan for your life. He was with you when you were still in your mother's womb. When you were far away from Him in your mind, behavior, and lifestyle, He was always close to you. And He still is. You have a choice to find out the things that He had written in His book for your life by studying His word, praying, going to church, communicating with other believers. His Holy Spirit will reveal talents, and God's purposes for your life and you will be able to implement what once written in that book the Psalm talks about. God will help you. Never forget, He has prepared good days for you. His plan is good. He is always with you.
Monday, April 27, 2020
Greater is He who is in you
"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world" 1 John 4:4.
Christians are called to fight and they have all necessary tools to win. What are our enemies? According to the Bible, we are fighting the world: lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. And we also fight the devil. Looks like we've got a lot to fight against. Well, maybe, but look what John says. He says that we are from God, which means we have the nature of God inside of us. The things of the world should be alien to us. Yes, we have a flesh, but the nature that God imparted into us is stronger.
Furthermore, by the power of the Holy Spirit Christ lives inside of us. He is greater than the world, and the devil. That's why we are destined to win. Christ conquered the world, and we have the same promise, we can conquer it. Let's rely on His power that is inside us to help us in the fight. We shouldn't fear neither the world, nor the devil as they are weaker forces than the one that we have at our disposal. Let's believe we can win. Let's rely on the power of Christ on us. Let's us the power. Let's win.
Christians are called to fight and they have all necessary tools to win. What are our enemies? According to the Bible, we are fighting the world: lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. And we also fight the devil. Looks like we've got a lot to fight against. Well, maybe, but look what John says. He says that we are from God, which means we have the nature of God inside of us. The things of the world should be alien to us. Yes, we have a flesh, but the nature that God imparted into us is stronger.
Furthermore, by the power of the Holy Spirit Christ lives inside of us. He is greater than the world, and the devil. That's why we are destined to win. Christ conquered the world, and we have the same promise, we can conquer it. Let's rely on His power that is inside us to help us in the fight. We shouldn't fear neither the world, nor the devil as they are weaker forces than the one that we have at our disposal. Let's believe we can win. Let's rely on the power of Christ on us. Let's us the power. Let's win.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
List of charges against us
"having wiped out the handwriting
of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He
has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross" Collosians 2:14.
Do you think God blames you for your sins, shortcomings, past mistakes, and the bad stuff you have done? I look at the Bible and do not find confirmation for that. On the contrary, I see that God justifies us in Jesus. The verse in Collosians tells us that once there was a list with charges against us. In that list, there were recorded all the bad things you have done. There were also requirements for you to be punished for what you have done. Wow! Who wrote that list? The accuser of the brethren - Satan.
We know that devil accuses you in the presence of God day and night. That is his job. Revelation 12:10 confirms that. However, his accusations no longer matter. God solved the problem of your guilt. Jesus took all the list of accusations as well as the requirements for punishment that devil wrote against us and nailed it to the cross. Devil can now accuse you as much as he wants, God does not listen to him and you shouldn't either. If you feel guilty, go to Jesus and ask forgiveness, and you get the forgiveness instantly. No more reason to feel guilt or shame for your past. It has been dealt with. Jesus paid the price for your guilt. You are no longer guilty if you believe in Jesus redemption. Praise God, you are no longer a prisoner of your past or the devil. You belong to God and you are forever free from your guilt. You are forgiven. Amen.
Do you think God blames you for your sins, shortcomings, past mistakes, and the bad stuff you have done? I look at the Bible and do not find confirmation for that. On the contrary, I see that God justifies us in Jesus. The verse in Collosians tells us that once there was a list with charges against us. In that list, there were recorded all the bad things you have done. There were also requirements for you to be punished for what you have done. Wow! Who wrote that list? The accuser of the brethren - Satan.
We know that devil accuses you in the presence of God day and night. That is his job. Revelation 12:10 confirms that. However, his accusations no longer matter. God solved the problem of your guilt. Jesus took all the list of accusations as well as the requirements for punishment that devil wrote against us and nailed it to the cross. Devil can now accuse you as much as he wants, God does not listen to him and you shouldn't either. If you feel guilty, go to Jesus and ask forgiveness, and you get the forgiveness instantly. No more reason to feel guilt or shame for your past. It has been dealt with. Jesus paid the price for your guilt. You are no longer guilty if you believe in Jesus redemption. Praise God, you are no longer a prisoner of your past or the devil. You belong to God and you are forever free from your guilt. You are forgiven. Amen.
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Children of God
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" 1 John 3:1.
We were far away from God because of sin. Through Jesus, we are no longer far away. We were enemies of God. Through Jesus, we are now at peace with God. We were guilty in the eyes of God. Through Jesus, we are now righteous. We were darkness. Through Jesus, we are now light. We were dead in our sins. Through Jesus, we are now alive to God. We were condemned to be forever separated from God. Through Jesus, we are headed to be eternally with God, our Father. We were children of the devil. Through Jesus, we are now children of God. Welcome to God's family. Praise God.
We were far away from God because of sin. Through Jesus, we are no longer far away. We were enemies of God. Through Jesus, we are now at peace with God. We were guilty in the eyes of God. Through Jesus, we are now righteous. We were darkness. Through Jesus, we are now light. We were dead in our sins. Through Jesus, we are now alive to God. We were condemned to be forever separated from God. Through Jesus, we are headed to be eternally with God, our Father. We were children of the devil. Through Jesus, we are now children of God. Welcome to God's family. Praise God.
Friday, April 24, 2020
For God so loved the world
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16.
Most Christians know the verse by heart. Some non Christians know it too. It's great, because this one simple verse conveys us tremendous truths. It shows how much God loves us, and how we get our sins forgiven. However, one more thing can be spotted in the verse and I believe it is very important. It tells us about the value of a human in God's eyes. It is priceless. Can you believe it?
There is no monetary value for us. Human are the crown of God's creation. He created us according to His own image and likeness. Unfortunately, we sinned. We besmeared the beauty that God gave us. Sin separated us from God. Yet, we were still amazingly valuable to our Creator. He decided to give Himself for our redemption. Wow! If He valued us so much, that is the greatest measurement for our self-worth. People try to build their own self-esteem by various psychological tricks. I know no better thing than to know that God Himself died to redeem us. This is in-measurable price. And after you accept this priceless gift, God becomes your Father. Wow! What a privilege! Billions of thanks to Him here on earth and many more when we meet Him on the other side of eternity.
Most Christians know the verse by heart. Some non Christians know it too. It's great, because this one simple verse conveys us tremendous truths. It shows how much God loves us, and how we get our sins forgiven. However, one more thing can be spotted in the verse and I believe it is very important. It tells us about the value of a human in God's eyes. It is priceless. Can you believe it?
There is no monetary value for us. Human are the crown of God's creation. He created us according to His own image and likeness. Unfortunately, we sinned. We besmeared the beauty that God gave us. Sin separated us from God. Yet, we were still amazingly valuable to our Creator. He decided to give Himself for our redemption. Wow! If He valued us so much, that is the greatest measurement for our self-worth. People try to build their own self-esteem by various psychological tricks. I know no better thing than to know that God Himself died to redeem us. This is in-measurable price. And after you accept this priceless gift, God becomes your Father. Wow! What a privilege! Billions of thanks to Him here on earth and many more when we meet Him on the other side of eternity.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Jesus came to give life
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" John 10:10.
When you look at the world today and see lots of misery, suffering, evil, wars, anxiety and other stuff that break people's hearts you see the works of the thief (sin and devil). These 2 work in tandem causing so much grief. Even sicknesses and diseases are the result of the 2. They cause us to lose peace, joy, health, happiness, satisfaction, success and all the good stuff that every human being dreams of having. It's important to know the source of all the evil, and I hope you see that. However, there is somebody, who can turn things around, and He did.
Jesus came to bring us life full of abundance. He came to restore our value as humans. He came to return peace between us and God. He came to return us right position before God. He gives joy. He blesses. He forgives sins. He heals our bodies. He does not condemn, but justifies us. He shows us what God is like. He is our Father. A good Father. A Father who gives good gifts for His children. There is fullness of life in Jesus. The only thing that He takes away from us (if we allow Him) is our sins. Well, the Bible says, He took our diseases too. Let's not walk around with the weights that the thief put on us. Let's go to Jesus, and He will gives us life full of abundance.
When you look at the world today and see lots of misery, suffering, evil, wars, anxiety and other stuff that break people's hearts you see the works of the thief (sin and devil). These 2 work in tandem causing so much grief. Even sicknesses and diseases are the result of the 2. They cause us to lose peace, joy, health, happiness, satisfaction, success and all the good stuff that every human being dreams of having. It's important to know the source of all the evil, and I hope you see that. However, there is somebody, who can turn things around, and He did.
Jesus came to bring us life full of abundance. He came to restore our value as humans. He came to return peace between us and God. He came to return us right position before God. He gives joy. He blesses. He forgives sins. He heals our bodies. He does not condemn, but justifies us. He shows us what God is like. He is our Father. A good Father. A Father who gives good gifts for His children. There is fullness of life in Jesus. The only thing that He takes away from us (if we allow Him) is our sins. Well, the Bible says, He took our diseases too. Let's not walk around with the weights that the thief put on us. Let's go to Jesus, and He will gives us life full of abundance.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
God is in control
"The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all" Psalms 103:19.
The current pandemic of coronavirus has generated a lot of talks among Christians and not conspiracy theorists about the upcoming change in the world. Possible global government, massive chipping, one currency, persecution and many more. Well, it's possible. The world has undergone various stages in politics. Various power groups struggled to gain global power. And there are some ideas regarding that in the Bible (book of revelation). However, as a Christian I am really more interested in what God is doing than what various power hungry groups are.
You know, God never left this earth. He created it. The earth belongs to Him. Nothing happens in the world without His knowledge, and nothing will. He is still on the throne and He is still in control. Jesus Christ is the Savior of our souls and the day is approaching when He is coming back to the earth as the King of kings. That's why I am more interested in God's politics, than the world politics. God is moving things. We are approaching to the end times and we should be more worried about states of our souls than about the state of politics. It's ok to follow that too, but do we see that God is above everything and one day His kingdom will reign forever, and it will never have an end? Even if ungodliness manages to climb on the throne of the global politics, it will be for a short season. God will take over from there. We have to keep serving God and true King Jesus, who will reign forever. Let's keep our focus on God and get courage and peace from Him, even if things might get for the worse. Have faith in God, because eventually, He will visibly rule the world. I am waiting for that type of President.
The current pandemic of coronavirus has generated a lot of talks among Christians and not conspiracy theorists about the upcoming change in the world. Possible global government, massive chipping, one currency, persecution and many more. Well, it's possible. The world has undergone various stages in politics. Various power groups struggled to gain global power. And there are some ideas regarding that in the Bible (book of revelation). However, as a Christian I am really more interested in what God is doing than what various power hungry groups are.
You know, God never left this earth. He created it. The earth belongs to Him. Nothing happens in the world without His knowledge, and nothing will. He is still on the throne and He is still in control. Jesus Christ is the Savior of our souls and the day is approaching when He is coming back to the earth as the King of kings. That's why I am more interested in God's politics, than the world politics. God is moving things. We are approaching to the end times and we should be more worried about states of our souls than about the state of politics. It's ok to follow that too, but do we see that God is above everything and one day His kingdom will reign forever, and it will never have an end? Even if ungodliness manages to climb on the throne of the global politics, it will be for a short season. God will take over from there. We have to keep serving God and true King Jesus, who will reign forever. Let's keep our focus on God and get courage and peace from Him, even if things might get for the worse. Have faith in God, because eventually, He will visibly rule the world. I am waiting for that type of President.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
God always works behind the scenes
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28.
It is obvious that bad things happen to everyone, Christians included. We want to live in a better world, but we don't. Some grow up in toxic environment, dysfunctional families, others have health issues, yet others lack success in life. The list can be very long. One preacher told a person who was complaining to him about the troubles in his life: "Welcome to the world where everybody suffers". Christians are not naive people, they are not blind to the bad stuff that happens around or even in their own very lives. However, we do not end being negative or pessimistic. Why?
Because we have a good God, who never leaves us. He has a way of how to deal with the bad stuff in our lives and turn it into something good. We should always remember that. Unfavorable conditions will always be there, trials and tests too. However, the most important thing for us is to have faith that God is always with us and a strong hope that He will turn everything that comes against us for the better. He has a purpose for our lives. And He knows how to achieve it if we cooperate with Him. He always works behind the scenes. Let's trust that God is good and anything we go through will make us stronger in the end.
It is obvious that bad things happen to everyone, Christians included. We want to live in a better world, but we don't. Some grow up in toxic environment, dysfunctional families, others have health issues, yet others lack success in life. The list can be very long. One preacher told a person who was complaining to him about the troubles in his life: "Welcome to the world where everybody suffers". Christians are not naive people, they are not blind to the bad stuff that happens around or even in their own very lives. However, we do not end being negative or pessimistic. Why?
Because we have a good God, who never leaves us. He has a way of how to deal with the bad stuff in our lives and turn it into something good. We should always remember that. Unfavorable conditions will always be there, trials and tests too. However, the most important thing for us is to have faith that God is always with us and a strong hope that He will turn everything that comes against us for the better. He has a purpose for our lives. And He knows how to achieve it if we cooperate with Him. He always works behind the scenes. Let's trust that God is good and anything we go through will make us stronger in the end.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Love casts out fear
"Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in
love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.
But he who fears has not been made perfect in love" 1 John 4:18.
Fear and love never stay together. One casts another out. People throughout centuries feared God. In a wrong way. They did not know Him. They saw a distorted picture of Him. They were scared to be punished and sent to hell. Some have the same image of God today. A picture of an angry God is a wrong picture. Apostle John confirms that. He says that we may have boldness in the day of judgment. Not fear judgment, but have boldness in that day. You have been justified by faith in Jesus, and you will not be punished for your past sins.
Your love for God draws you closer to Him. You know that He had forgiven your sins, and this knowledge removes fear from your heart. The fact that He loved you so much that He gave His only Son for you does something even more. It breeds love for God/Jesus in your heart.
No more slaverish fear of judgment and of God. You love Him. Yes, there is a different kind of fear of God that the Bible talks about. That fear means you shun everything that God does not like. That type of fear is not a feeling. It is your desire and a decision to behave in a way that God likes. It's just like when you love somebody, you don't do (at least try not to) things the person does not like. It is the same with our relationship with God. You don't do things you don't like because you love Him.
He loves you and you love Him back. The slaverish fear pushes us away from God. The love that we have in our hearts for Him, pushes us closer to Him. You cannot have both. God loves you, Jesus paid price for you sins. He was punished for you. Punishment does not belong to you. If you meditate on that, this will cast away fear. Who or what should you fear if the creator of the Universe loves you and is on your side? Trust Him.
Fear and love never stay together. One casts another out. People throughout centuries feared God. In a wrong way. They did not know Him. They saw a distorted picture of Him. They were scared to be punished and sent to hell. Some have the same image of God today. A picture of an angry God is a wrong picture. Apostle John confirms that. He says that we may have boldness in the day of judgment. Not fear judgment, but have boldness in that day. You have been justified by faith in Jesus, and you will not be punished for your past sins.
Your love for God draws you closer to Him. You know that He had forgiven your sins, and this knowledge removes fear from your heart. The fact that He loved you so much that He gave His only Son for you does something even more. It breeds love for God/Jesus in your heart.
No more slaverish fear of judgment and of God. You love Him. Yes, there is a different kind of fear of God that the Bible talks about. That fear means you shun everything that God does not like. That type of fear is not a feeling. It is your desire and a decision to behave in a way that God likes. It's just like when you love somebody, you don't do (at least try not to) things the person does not like. It is the same with our relationship with God. You don't do things you don't like because you love Him.
He loves you and you love Him back. The slaverish fear pushes us away from God. The love that we have in our hearts for Him, pushes us closer to Him. You cannot have both. God loves you, Jesus paid price for you sins. He was punished for you. Punishment does not belong to you. If you meditate on that, this will cast away fear. Who or what should you fear if the creator of the Universe loves you and is on your side? Trust Him.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
The word of God always accomplishes the mission it is sent for
"As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth:It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" Isaiah 55:10-11.
Rain and snow have power to do something good for the earth. They help the earth to produce harvest and accomplish many other things. Similarly, the word of God can have a lot of functions, but it is mostly sent to help people to implement changes in their lives. One word from God can change our lives forever. God's word can be applied to any area of your life. If you don't have hope, it gives hope. If you feel sad, it can produce in you joy. It you are worried, it can bring you peace of mind. And so on, and so forth. So, define what kind of situation you are in, then look what the Word of God says about your situation. Find as many verses as you can and read them. Those verses will produce positive result in you. Even if your situation does not change, you will be able to look at it from God's perspective and get new strength, or wisdom to solve problems that arise in your life.
Rain and snow have power to do something good for the earth. They help the earth to produce harvest and accomplish many other things. Similarly, the word of God can have a lot of functions, but it is mostly sent to help people to implement changes in their lives. One word from God can change our lives forever. God's word can be applied to any area of your life. If you don't have hope, it gives hope. If you feel sad, it can produce in you joy. It you are worried, it can bring you peace of mind. And so on, and so forth. So, define what kind of situation you are in, then look what the Word of God says about your situation. Find as many verses as you can and read them. Those verses will produce positive result in you. Even if your situation does not change, you will be able to look at it from God's perspective and get new strength, or wisdom to solve problems that arise in your life.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
The transforming power of God's forgiveness
"Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:42-43.
This scripture shows us one of the greatest miracles described in the Bible. Jesus hung on the cross with two criminals beside Him, one on the right, and one on the left. All three men had a few hours left to live. There are some people standing close to the site and they are mocking Jesus. One criminal that is beside Jesus is doing the same. It looks like nobody sees who Jesus really is. Nobody is feeling guilty. Everybody feels self-righteous, even the blaspheming criminal who is about to die.
But wait. What about the other criminal that hangs on the other side? He feels the burden of his crime. He understands what he has done and knows that he is worthy to be punished this way. Yet, eh also sees that Jesus is not a criminal, but a righteous person, unjustly punished. He calls Jesus "Lord". And asks for forgiveness. What happens? In a split of a second he is forgiven. When he dies, he will be accepted in Heaven. Can you believe that? One moment, a person is a murderer, another moment he becomes a child of God. And the doors of Heaven are open for him. This shows how powerful God's forgiveness is. Furthermore, when God forgives, not only sins are forgiven, a personality is transformed. If that were not the case, nobody could enter Heaven, as Heaven is a holy place and no murderer (or any other kind of sinner) can enter it. Let's embrace Jesus forgiveness. Let it change us inside out. The transforming power of His forgiveness is the greatest miracle of all!
This scripture shows us one of the greatest miracles described in the Bible. Jesus hung on the cross with two criminals beside Him, one on the right, and one on the left. All three men had a few hours left to live. There are some people standing close to the site and they are mocking Jesus. One criminal that is beside Jesus is doing the same. It looks like nobody sees who Jesus really is. Nobody is feeling guilty. Everybody feels self-righteous, even the blaspheming criminal who is about to die.
But wait. What about the other criminal that hangs on the other side? He feels the burden of his crime. He understands what he has done and knows that he is worthy to be punished this way. Yet, eh also sees that Jesus is not a criminal, but a righteous person, unjustly punished. He calls Jesus "Lord". And asks for forgiveness. What happens? In a split of a second he is forgiven. When he dies, he will be accepted in Heaven. Can you believe that? One moment, a person is a murderer, another moment he becomes a child of God. And the doors of Heaven are open for him. This shows how powerful God's forgiveness is. Furthermore, when God forgives, not only sins are forgiven, a personality is transformed. If that were not the case, nobody could enter Heaven, as Heaven is a holy place and no murderer (or any other kind of sinner) can enter it. Let's embrace Jesus forgiveness. Let it change us inside out. The transforming power of His forgiveness is the greatest miracle of all!
Friday, April 17, 2020
God resists the proud
"But the grace that God gives is even stronger. As the scripture says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6.
When we talk about things that God dislikes we often fail to mention pride. The fact is that it probably is the main quality that closes the door of Heaven, and Father's heart. God does not answer the prayers of the proud. The proud fail to see they need God. The believe they are good enough without God. They think they can handle everything on their own. They also look down upon others who are inferior to them. They judge others, and fail to see that others might have something that they lack. Thus, God resists them.
On the other hand, God gives grace to those who humble themselves. Those who acknowledge their lack, their weaknesses, sins, and ask for God's help are never left empty-handed. The world despises humility. It considers the quality as a weakness. The world exalts pride as it can be one of the biggest drives to achieve something. It maybe, but the kingdom of God is different, and the King of the kingdom Jesus Christ showed that He is the supreme example of humility.
He was God Almighty, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He had glory in Heaven. With the Father, and the Holy Spirit, He created the Universe. However, He willingly left all the glory, decided to become human in order to redeem the lost world. He was born in a poor family, in a manger among dirty animals as there was no room for them in the inn. For 30 years he worked as a carpenter humbly waiting to start the mission he came to accomplish. He experienced ridicule, verbal abuse, and persecution during His ministry. He chose to be beaten, humiliated, spat on, and eventually crucified so that you and me be forgiven of everything bad we have done in our lives. He also forgave those who crucified Him. Jesus showed what humble attitude we should have towards God. Let's learn from Jesus how to be humble. If we do, God will show us His grace in many unspeakable ways.
When we talk about things that God dislikes we often fail to mention pride. The fact is that it probably is the main quality that closes the door of Heaven, and Father's heart. God does not answer the prayers of the proud. The proud fail to see they need God. The believe they are good enough without God. They think they can handle everything on their own. They also look down upon others who are inferior to them. They judge others, and fail to see that others might have something that they lack. Thus, God resists them.
On the other hand, God gives grace to those who humble themselves. Those who acknowledge their lack, their weaknesses, sins, and ask for God's help are never left empty-handed. The world despises humility. It considers the quality as a weakness. The world exalts pride as it can be one of the biggest drives to achieve something. It maybe, but the kingdom of God is different, and the King of the kingdom Jesus Christ showed that He is the supreme example of humility.
He was God Almighty, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He had glory in Heaven. With the Father, and the Holy Spirit, He created the Universe. However, He willingly left all the glory, decided to become human in order to redeem the lost world. He was born in a poor family, in a manger among dirty animals as there was no room for them in the inn. For 30 years he worked as a carpenter humbly waiting to start the mission he came to accomplish. He experienced ridicule, verbal abuse, and persecution during His ministry. He chose to be beaten, humiliated, spat on, and eventually crucified so that you and me be forgiven of everything bad we have done in our lives. He also forgave those who crucified Him. Jesus showed what humble attitude we should have towards God. Let's learn from Jesus how to be humble. If we do, God will show us His grace in many unspeakable ways.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
God's peace
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" John 16:33.
The world has never really been a very peaceful place. Lots of troubling stuff happened in any century. The same can be said about our times. You can decide for yourself by simply reflecting on this:
There are about 40 regional military conflicts going on in the world today.
There are about 10,000 diseases and only 500 known medicines for them (coronavirus is the 10,001 with no cure yet).
150,000 people die every day from various causes. Around 50-60 million people die every year.
Next financial crisis maybe around the corner.
Prices and taxes will probably rise.
Salaries probably won't.
Nothing is for sure in this world, except death and taxes.
If you think about the stuff that is happening in the world you will definitely get worried.
But wait? Jesus promised us peace. Despite everything that surrounds you today, you can have peace. Jesus is not trying to frighten you, He is trying to calm you down. He can quiet every storm in your life. Learn to trust Him. He was sleeping on a pillow during the storm, while the disciples were panicking and working hard to get saved from drowning. He was with them, and He is with us. He left His peace for them, and for us. His love is like the Ocean where you can drown all of your worries and gain tremendous peace. Reflect on His goodness, love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness and your mind will be filled with peace. 103 and 91 Psalms do the magic for worried minds. Read them when you feel that you have lost your peace. Focus on Him more than on the troubling things that surround you.
The world has never really been a very peaceful place. Lots of troubling stuff happened in any century. The same can be said about our times. You can decide for yourself by simply reflecting on this:
There are about 40 regional military conflicts going on in the world today.
There are about 10,000 diseases and only 500 known medicines for them (coronavirus is the 10,001 with no cure yet).
150,000 people die every day from various causes. Around 50-60 million people die every year.
Next financial crisis maybe around the corner.
Prices and taxes will probably rise.
Salaries probably won't.
Nothing is for sure in this world, except death and taxes.
If you think about the stuff that is happening in the world you will definitely get worried.
But wait? Jesus promised us peace. Despite everything that surrounds you today, you can have peace. Jesus is not trying to frighten you, He is trying to calm you down. He can quiet every storm in your life. Learn to trust Him. He was sleeping on a pillow during the storm, while the disciples were panicking and working hard to get saved from drowning. He was with them, and He is with us. He left His peace for them, and for us. His love is like the Ocean where you can drown all of your worries and gain tremendous peace. Reflect on His goodness, love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness and your mind will be filled with peace. 103 and 91 Psalms do the magic for worried minds. Read them when you feel that you have lost your peace. Focus on Him more than on the troubling things that surround you.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
God will never forget you
"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!" Isaiah 49:15.
In my last post I discussed the idea, that God forgets something, and that something is our sins. Today, I want to remind us what God Himself told us through the prophet Isaiah. What is it? He will never forget us. Parents do not forget their children. Well, bad parents sometimes do. But God swore that He will never forget you. Despite the fact you might find yourself in a situation where you feel completely alone and forgotten, it is only a feeling. God is always there right beside you. If you are a Christian, He is actually living inside of you. He loves you. He cares about you. If you are walking through a dark tunnel in your life He is walking with you. Do not give up on Him. He will never give up on you. He is a loving Father. You are His beloved son/daughter. Trust His goodness.
In my last post I discussed the idea, that God forgets something, and that something is our sins. Today, I want to remind us what God Himself told us through the prophet Isaiah. What is it? He will never forget us. Parents do not forget their children. Well, bad parents sometimes do. But God swore that He will never forget you. Despite the fact you might find yourself in a situation where you feel completely alone and forgotten, it is only a feeling. God is always there right beside you. If you are a Christian, He is actually living inside of you. He loves you. He cares about you. If you are walking through a dark tunnel in your life He is walking with you. Do not give up on Him. He will never give up on you. He is a loving Father. You are His beloved son/daughter. Trust His goodness.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Divine Amnesia
"And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins” Hebrews 8:12.
Most know that God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. Amazing qualities, huh? However, and this is good for us, He tends to forget some things. And He forgets them forever. How is this possible? Well, He is omnipotent. What are those things that He forgets? Our sins. Really? Yes. Contrary to us, who tend to remember bad stuff people did to us, or bad stuff we have done in our lives, when God forgives us, He completely deletes those out of His memory.
I don't know about you, but that is the best thing about God. He does not hold a grudge against you. If you ask for forgiveness, He forgives. In a split of a second. And He will never ever remind you of those things again. Maybe you don't understand how much it is. If not, you probably have not understood how bad is evil that every one of us do in our lives. It is big. But yet, again, God's love is even greater. To such an extent that He can forgive 7 billion people and never remember anything evil they have done in their lives. This is the gift of all ages from an eternal Holy God to us humans. If you feel guilty about anything you have done in your life - Jesus is the answer. Ask Him to forgive you and He will. And He won't remember. It's great that God has this kind of Amnesia.
Most know that God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. Amazing qualities, huh? However, and this is good for us, He tends to forget some things. And He forgets them forever. How is this possible? Well, He is omnipotent. What are those things that He forgets? Our sins. Really? Yes. Contrary to us, who tend to remember bad stuff people did to us, or bad stuff we have done in our lives, when God forgives us, He completely deletes those out of His memory.
I don't know about you, but that is the best thing about God. He does not hold a grudge against you. If you ask for forgiveness, He forgives. In a split of a second. And He will never ever remind you of those things again. Maybe you don't understand how much it is. If not, you probably have not understood how bad is evil that every one of us do in our lives. It is big. But yet, again, God's love is even greater. To such an extent that He can forgive 7 billion people and never remember anything evil they have done in their lives. This is the gift of all ages from an eternal Holy God to us humans. If you feel guilty about anything you have done in your life - Jesus is the answer. Ask Him to forgive you and He will. And He won't remember. It's great that God has this kind of Amnesia.

Monday, April 13, 2020
Our righteous acts
"All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away." Isaiah 64:6.
I assume every person has his/her own scales or right and wrong. We tend to measure bad deeds in relation to good ones. I have met a lot of people who told me that if you do more good than bad you are a good person and God will have to take it into account when you stand in His presence on Judgment Day. That's how a lot of people think.
What is the problem with this type of thinking? The problem is that one day we will stand in front of a perfect God, who has no sin and who is perfect. You cannot be justified by your own works as you cannot justify yourself by doing good, because a perfect God has perfect standards. He does not tolerate anything bad. One single sin by Adam and Eve was enough for them to lose their right standing with God. The same with us. Even if you do more good than bad, it is not enough to be justified by God. You need to get God's forgiveness. Your sins are either all forgiven, or none. Jesus died for all of your sins. So, ask God to forgive all of your sins and all of them will be forgiven.
One good deed by Jesus can make you right with God. What we couldn't do, He did it for us. We can't justify ourselves before Him. He found a perfect way to do it for us. Believe Jesus and you become just in God's eyes. So, which way you choose to justify yourself before God on Judgment Day, your own good works, or the work that Jesus did for you?
I assume every person has his/her own scales or right and wrong. We tend to measure bad deeds in relation to good ones. I have met a lot of people who told me that if you do more good than bad you are a good person and God will have to take it into account when you stand in His presence on Judgment Day. That's how a lot of people think.
What is the problem with this type of thinking? The problem is that one day we will stand in front of a perfect God, who has no sin and who is perfect. You cannot be justified by your own works as you cannot justify yourself by doing good, because a perfect God has perfect standards. He does not tolerate anything bad. One single sin by Adam and Eve was enough for them to lose their right standing with God. The same with us. Even if you do more good than bad, it is not enough to be justified by God. You need to get God's forgiveness. Your sins are either all forgiven, or none. Jesus died for all of your sins. So, ask God to forgive all of your sins and all of them will be forgiven.
One good deed by Jesus can make you right with God. What we couldn't do, He did it for us. We can't justify ourselves before Him. He found a perfect way to do it for us. Believe Jesus and you become just in God's eyes. So, which way you choose to justify yourself before God on Judgment Day, your own good works, or the work that Jesus did for you?
Sunday, April 12, 2020
My way or God's way
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11.
Prophet Jeremiah gave the message for the Jews who were sent to captivity in the land of Babylon. They rebelled against God, rejected His commandments, lived their own selfish lifestyles, and as a result received God's punishment. However, God has never forsaken His people. His plans have always remained good for them. He wanted them to know that. He gave them a promise to bring them out of the captivity after 70 years and He fulfilled the promise. God remained faithful and good, even if Israel was not. His plans were good for them, and they are good for us too.
We often disobey God, and walk our own selfish ways. And we bring on ourselves negative consequences. Can we turn around and come back to God? The good news is that we can come back, ask for forgiveness and receive it. God does not change. His plans for us remain good to prosper us, not to harm us. He has great hope for you, and good plans for your future. Do not doubt it. Choose His plan for your life. Let's study the word of God and find out what He likes and what those plans are, instead of going our own ways. We are free to choose one of the two, but our own ways and plans will bring us to a dead end, hopelessness, emptiness, vanity, depression and a lot of other similar things. God's plans will lead us to peace, joy, gladness and inner satisfaction. Which plans do you choose?
Prophet Jeremiah gave the message for the Jews who were sent to captivity in the land of Babylon. They rebelled against God, rejected His commandments, lived their own selfish lifestyles, and as a result received God's punishment. However, God has never forsaken His people. His plans have always remained good for them. He wanted them to know that. He gave them a promise to bring them out of the captivity after 70 years and He fulfilled the promise. God remained faithful and good, even if Israel was not. His plans were good for them, and they are good for us too.
We often disobey God, and walk our own selfish ways. And we bring on ourselves negative consequences. Can we turn around and come back to God? The good news is that we can come back, ask for forgiveness and receive it. God does not change. His plans for us remain good to prosper us, not to harm us. He has great hope for you, and good plans for your future. Do not doubt it. Choose His plan for your life. Let's study the word of God and find out what He likes and what those plans are, instead of going our own ways. We are free to choose one of the two, but our own ways and plans will bring us to a dead end, hopelessness, emptiness, vanity, depression and a lot of other similar things. God's plans will lead us to peace, joy, gladness and inner satisfaction. Which plans do you choose?
Saturday, April 11, 2020
The way the truth and the life
"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" John 14:6.
There was a huge abyss between humanity and God, because of sin. There was no way for anybody to come to God for thousands of year. God Himself decided to make a way. And He did. It was His Son, Jesus Christ, who became a human and took our sins upon Himself that sin would no longer hinder us to come to God. And Jesus still is the only way. It may sound like a disappointment for many. However, no other religion, spiritual practice, your own beliefs, positive thinking, or whatever else that comes to mind as a way to God.
He is the truth. He is the truth about our existence, God's purpose for us, the way of living, how we become right with God, and anything that we learn about God. Only Jesus can tell us the truth about God. All the other teachers who might teach you truths regarding God outside of Jesus Christ are actually telling you lies.
He is the life. There is no real life outside of Christ but simple existence. Spiritual death reigns in the hearts of everyone who hasn't reconciled himself to God through Christ. Sure, we all eat, drink, sleep, go to school or work, maybe even try to be religious, or occupy ourselves with many other activities. However, without Jesus, we remain separated from God. This kind of life the Bible calls spiritual death.
Fortunately, we do not have to stay in spiritual death. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Let's go to Him. The Easter is an excellent day to do that. On this day, Jesus finished building the road for you to God. Seconds before He died, He cried "It is finished" (John 19:30). The road to the Father is open. You can walk on it straight to God. Ask Him to forgive everything that you did wrong in your life and accept His forgiveness. God bless you. I pray you celebrate the Easter with Jesus in your heart.
There was a huge abyss between humanity and God, because of sin. There was no way for anybody to come to God for thousands of year. God Himself decided to make a way. And He did. It was His Son, Jesus Christ, who became a human and took our sins upon Himself that sin would no longer hinder us to come to God. And Jesus still is the only way. It may sound like a disappointment for many. However, no other religion, spiritual practice, your own beliefs, positive thinking, or whatever else that comes to mind as a way to God.
He is the truth. He is the truth about our existence, God's purpose for us, the way of living, how we become right with God, and anything that we learn about God. Only Jesus can tell us the truth about God. All the other teachers who might teach you truths regarding God outside of Jesus Christ are actually telling you lies.
He is the life. There is no real life outside of Christ but simple existence. Spiritual death reigns in the hearts of everyone who hasn't reconciled himself to God through Christ. Sure, we all eat, drink, sleep, go to school or work, maybe even try to be religious, or occupy ourselves with many other activities. However, without Jesus, we remain separated from God. This kind of life the Bible calls spiritual death.
Fortunately, we do not have to stay in spiritual death. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Let's go to Him. The Easter is an excellent day to do that. On this day, Jesus finished building the road for you to God. Seconds before He died, He cried "It is finished" (John 19:30). The road to the Father is open. You can walk on it straight to God. Ask Him to forgive everything that you did wrong in your life and accept His forgiveness. God bless you. I pray you celebrate the Easter with Jesus in your heart.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Christ in us
"To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory" Colossians 1:27.
Since the fall, God never left people. He made a perfect plan to reconcile people to Him. All the prophets in the Old Testament prophesied about the coming of Messiah who would redeem people from the bondage of sin. The law of Moses couldn't do the job. It can only reveal the sin, but did not give power to overcome it. The sacrifices that were offered for the forgiveness of sins were not perfect. The consciences of people were not free from guilt.
Eventually, the long awaited Messiah came, gave us His teaching, was crucified and resurrected from the dead. Now, those who repent and believe in Him have a perfect forgiveness of sins. His blood cleans us from ALL unrighteousness. Most Christians know that. But a lot of us miss a very important fact. That is the ultimate secret that the apostle Paul often shared in his letters to various churches (over 200 times). That fact is that Christ lives in the believers. He is always there. He doesn't just show up every twenty years like He did with Abraham. No, every second, every minutes, and every hour of the day Jesus lives inside of us by His Spirit. This is the mystery the prophets wanted to see. The Creator of the Universe is not somewhere far away. He is not just with us. No, He lives inside of us. That is the greatest part of the redemption. And Christ living in us, makes us more like Him daily. Let our eyes be open to see the truth. It would change us forever.
Since the fall, God never left people. He made a perfect plan to reconcile people to Him. All the prophets in the Old Testament prophesied about the coming of Messiah who would redeem people from the bondage of sin. The law of Moses couldn't do the job. It can only reveal the sin, but did not give power to overcome it. The sacrifices that were offered for the forgiveness of sins were not perfect. The consciences of people were not free from guilt.
Eventually, the long awaited Messiah came, gave us His teaching, was crucified and resurrected from the dead. Now, those who repent and believe in Him have a perfect forgiveness of sins. His blood cleans us from ALL unrighteousness. Most Christians know that. But a lot of us miss a very important fact. That is the ultimate secret that the apostle Paul often shared in his letters to various churches (over 200 times). That fact is that Christ lives in the believers. He is always there. He doesn't just show up every twenty years like He did with Abraham. No, every second, every minutes, and every hour of the day Jesus lives inside of us by His Spirit. This is the mystery the prophets wanted to see. The Creator of the Universe is not somewhere far away. He is not just with us. No, He lives inside of us. That is the greatest part of the redemption. And Christ living in us, makes us more like Him daily. Let our eyes be open to see the truth. It would change us forever.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Why God exalted His Word above His Name?
"...for You have magnified Your word above all Your name" Psalms 138:2.
In the Old Testament God proved that His name was above all other names. No other god could compete with Him ever. The Egyptian gods failed. The gods of the 7 nations that lived in the promised land could not protect those nations from the God of Israel. Baal that Jezebel worshiped, could not protect neither her, nor her prophets when the wrath of God eventually came for the worship of the idols and the killing of God's people. God's authority stood above everything throughout ages. Yet, God Himself exalted His own word above His name. Why?
The heathen rules that reigned had their own laws, but often they could break them at their will. They could break even the laws they issued, because it was beneficial for them. Thus, they exalted themselves or their names above their own words. Our God is a God who never lies. He would not tell you to do what He is not willing to do Himself. If He tells us to forgive 7 times 70 per day, that is something He would do for you and me. You can always trust Him, because He would never break His word. No circumstances in the world, sky, under the earth or wherever could cause Him to adapt His word or change it. Our circumstances change and we do not commit to what we have promised. God always remains faithful to what He has promised. His mood does not influence His choices, which often happens to us.
He identifies Himself with His word. His character is built on it. He created the world by His word, and the Universe is upheld by His word. It is stronger than the law of gravity and all natural powers combined. Thus, the most solid foundation for our trust in Him is His word - the Bible. He reveals Himself to us through the word. We see His character in it. His promises, will, and commandments for us are all written in the Word. He wouldn't promise us, or tell us something to do, which was not previously written in the Word. So, read the Word and grow your faith, for it is an unshakable foundation for you to build your trust in God.
In the Old Testament God proved that His name was above all other names. No other god could compete with Him ever. The Egyptian gods failed. The gods of the 7 nations that lived in the promised land could not protect those nations from the God of Israel. Baal that Jezebel worshiped, could not protect neither her, nor her prophets when the wrath of God eventually came for the worship of the idols and the killing of God's people. God's authority stood above everything throughout ages. Yet, God Himself exalted His own word above His name. Why?
The heathen rules that reigned had their own laws, but often they could break them at their will. They could break even the laws they issued, because it was beneficial for them. Thus, they exalted themselves or their names above their own words. Our God is a God who never lies. He would not tell you to do what He is not willing to do Himself. If He tells us to forgive 7 times 70 per day, that is something He would do for you and me. You can always trust Him, because He would never break His word. No circumstances in the world, sky, under the earth or wherever could cause Him to adapt His word or change it. Our circumstances change and we do not commit to what we have promised. God always remains faithful to what He has promised. His mood does not influence His choices, which often happens to us.
He identifies Himself with His word. His character is built on it. He created the world by His word, and the Universe is upheld by His word. It is stronger than the law of gravity and all natural powers combined. Thus, the most solid foundation for our trust in Him is His word - the Bible. He reveals Himself to us through the word. We see His character in it. His promises, will, and commandments for us are all written in the Word. He wouldn't promise us, or tell us something to do, which was not previously written in the Word. So, read the Word and grow your faith, for it is an unshakable foundation for you to build your trust in God.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
God wants to be your God
"Moreover He said, “I am the God of your father—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God" Exodus 3:6.
God is the God of the living. He is the God of the generation that lives at a specific period of time. He is a God of an individual that agrees to have a fellowship with God. He revealed Himself to Abraham, and Abraham became a friend of God. When he died, God revealed Himself to Isaac and became His God. Later He became Jacobs' God, and in the verse we see Him introducing Himself to Moses. And God becomes the God of Moses. Generations change but God always lives in the eternal now. He wants to be a God of this generation. More importantly, He wants to be your God now.
Do we see this? It's the same God, but what a privilege to have a relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses! He comes today to us, to you, to me, and wants to know whether we want Him to be our God. It's not that He feels somehow unhappy or something. No, He wants to have relationship with us. And He wants to know whether we want to have a relationship with Him. It's privilege for us to have a live connection with our Maker. Are you going to accept the greatest opportunity to have a fellowship with an eternal God? Do you want Him to call Himself your God? I do. I hope you too. This is an opportunity for everyone who accepts Jesus and makes Him their Lord and Savior. Some did that years ago, but a relationship is not a status quo. It can be broken, neglected, forgotten. If that happened to you, renew it today by praying to Him, coming back to reading of His word daily, and let the relationship be rebuilt.
And if you have never know Him before, just pray a simple prayer that will introduce you to Him. Simply repeat: "Jesus, I have lived without you. I know I am a sinner, and I cannot save myself. I do not want to live without you anymore. Please forgive my sins and accept me into your kingdom. Be my God. I believe that you died for my sins. I believe that I am forgiven. Come into my life and change me. Give me your Holy Spirit. I thank you that you hear this prayer, and you forgive my sins. Thank you". Amen.
God is the God of the living. He is the God of the generation that lives at a specific period of time. He is a God of an individual that agrees to have a fellowship with God. He revealed Himself to Abraham, and Abraham became a friend of God. When he died, God revealed Himself to Isaac and became His God. Later He became Jacobs' God, and in the verse we see Him introducing Himself to Moses. And God becomes the God of Moses. Generations change but God always lives in the eternal now. He wants to be a God of this generation. More importantly, He wants to be your God now.
Do we see this? It's the same God, but what a privilege to have a relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses! He comes today to us, to you, to me, and wants to know whether we want Him to be our God. It's not that He feels somehow unhappy or something. No, He wants to have relationship with us. And He wants to know whether we want to have a relationship with Him. It's privilege for us to have a live connection with our Maker. Are you going to accept the greatest opportunity to have a fellowship with an eternal God? Do you want Him to call Himself your God? I do. I hope you too. This is an opportunity for everyone who accepts Jesus and makes Him their Lord and Savior. Some did that years ago, but a relationship is not a status quo. It can be broken, neglected, forgotten. If that happened to you, renew it today by praying to Him, coming back to reading of His word daily, and let the relationship be rebuilt.
And if you have never know Him before, just pray a simple prayer that will introduce you to Him. Simply repeat: "Jesus, I have lived without you. I know I am a sinner, and I cannot save myself. I do not want to live without you anymore. Please forgive my sins and accept me into your kingdom. Be my God. I believe that you died for my sins. I believe that I am forgiven. Come into my life and change me. Give me your Holy Spirit. I thank you that you hear this prayer, and you forgive my sins. Thank you". Amen.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Those who are with us more than those who are with them
"So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them" 2 Kings 6:16.
God's people may sometimes feel surrounded by the problems that seem to be overwhelming. When you look around what's happening today, you might think that the evil one has more weapons at his disposal directed at us. I mean, lots of diseases, viruses, lies, fears, our own weak human nature, and many more things and situations (broken relationships, loss of job, loss of loved ones, addictions) that he can use against us.
Did God leave us alone in this world to fight against the hordes of the enemy? No. He has an army of angels fighting for us (Psalms 91:11). Jesus intercedes for us as daily (Romans 8:34), the Holy Spirit teaches us, guides, prays with us (Romans 8:26, John 14:26), and God the Father justifies us (Romans 8:33). He has given us tools like prayer, the word of God (the sword of the Spirit), and all the armor (Ephesians 6:11) to fight against any power, does not matter how strong and win. What enemy can defeat you?
There are more with us. You are not alone. Be strong.
God's people may sometimes feel surrounded by the problems that seem to be overwhelming. When you look around what's happening today, you might think that the evil one has more weapons at his disposal directed at us. I mean, lots of diseases, viruses, lies, fears, our own weak human nature, and many more things and situations (broken relationships, loss of job, loss of loved ones, addictions) that he can use against us.
Did God leave us alone in this world to fight against the hordes of the enemy? No. He has an army of angels fighting for us (Psalms 91:11). Jesus intercedes for us as daily (Romans 8:34), the Holy Spirit teaches us, guides, prays with us (Romans 8:26, John 14:26), and God the Father justifies us (Romans 8:33). He has given us tools like prayer, the word of God (the sword of the Spirit), and all the armor (Ephesians 6:11) to fight against any power, does not matter how strong and win. What enemy can defeat you?
There are more with us. You are not alone. Be strong.
Monday, April 6, 2020
What was the mission of Jesus
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord” Luke 4:18-19.
Here Jesus told us about His mission, which consists of 6 aspects.
1 - preach gospel to the poor. It means both spiritually and physically poor. If you feel, spiritually bankrupt, gospel is right for you. He has good news for you. Jesus is gonna share His riches with you and make you rich with God.
2 - heal the brokenhearted. Life is tough, people get offended, disappointed with life, depressed, some even take out their own lives. There is healing to your broken heart. It is Jesus. He is the best spiritual cardiologist. He knows your soul, what you went through (or are going through) and knows exactly the medicine you need to have your heart healed.
3 - proclaim liberty to the captives. That includes all addictions and diseases. If you fought on your own with these, you probably failed. Do not lose hope, Jesus is right beside you to set you free. His is your liberator. Do not stop praying to Him and the freedom will come.
4 - recover the sight of the blind. That includes both spiritual and physical blindness. Jesus deals with both. Let Him anoint our eyes to see. Let His healing come to the sick too. Pray for that. I am praying for that. Let's do that together.
5 - set at liberty those who are oppressed. Oppression, whatever form it takes, causes us to lose hope as we do not see opportunities, a way out of our trouble. That's how Jews felt in the bondage of Egypt. Jesus came to remove any kind of oppression. Let's pray He does that in our lives and in the lives of those around us.
6 - proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. This is the year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25:8-10). In this year the slaves would gain their freedom, those who lost their property would get it back. In Christ, this would mean that everything that Adam and Eve lost by sinning we gain back in Christ. Isn't it great? Let's pray it becomes a reality in our lives and in those around us in Christ.
God bless you.
Here Jesus told us about His mission, which consists of 6 aspects.
1 - preach gospel to the poor. It means both spiritually and physically poor. If you feel, spiritually bankrupt, gospel is right for you. He has good news for you. Jesus is gonna share His riches with you and make you rich with God.
2 - heal the brokenhearted. Life is tough, people get offended, disappointed with life, depressed, some even take out their own lives. There is healing to your broken heart. It is Jesus. He is the best spiritual cardiologist. He knows your soul, what you went through (or are going through) and knows exactly the medicine you need to have your heart healed.
3 - proclaim liberty to the captives. That includes all addictions and diseases. If you fought on your own with these, you probably failed. Do not lose hope, Jesus is right beside you to set you free. His is your liberator. Do not stop praying to Him and the freedom will come.
4 - recover the sight of the blind. That includes both spiritual and physical blindness. Jesus deals with both. Let Him anoint our eyes to see. Let His healing come to the sick too. Pray for that. I am praying for that. Let's do that together.
5 - set at liberty those who are oppressed. Oppression, whatever form it takes, causes us to lose hope as we do not see opportunities, a way out of our trouble. That's how Jews felt in the bondage of Egypt. Jesus came to remove any kind of oppression. Let's pray He does that in our lives and in the lives of those around us.
6 - proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. This is the year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25:8-10). In this year the slaves would gain their freedom, those who lost their property would get it back. In Christ, this would mean that everything that Adam and Eve lost by sinning we gain back in Christ. Isn't it great? Let's pray it becomes a reality in our lives and in those around us in Christ.
God bless you.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
What gives you rest?
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls" Matthew 11:28-29.
Have you ever been on vacation and when you returned you actually felt you needed another vacation? You did not feel rested. Actually, you might have felt even more tired. What's wrong? You slept well, ate well, and yet felt even more tired after that. Is it stress that you need to go to work? Could be, but from my experience I can say there is more than that. What?
We are not just bodies, we have souls that also need rest, and sleeping long hours, and eating good food does not help our souls to rest. A soul needs something else. What could that be? Jesus. His words give rests for our souls. His words do not bring fear, depression, anxiety, hatred or tiredness. No, the system of the world that keeps on people running fueled by ambition, fear, pride and similar things cause them to get tired and depressed. People strive to make money, buy a house, create a great family. Some achieve great success and yet remain angry, unhappy, and frustrated. Things, fame, status, and similar stuff do not give rest and refreshment for their souls.
Jesus invites us to become His disciples and find rest for our souls. Anybody can come. He is waiting. Let's give Him our burdens, fears, anxiety, pride, even ambitions. Let's exchange that to the rest that He gives us. Nothing can be better that to feel His hand gently removing our burdens and His Spirit refreshing us. Let's go to Jesus. God bless you.
Have you ever been on vacation and when you returned you actually felt you needed another vacation? You did not feel rested. Actually, you might have felt even more tired. What's wrong? You slept well, ate well, and yet felt even more tired after that. Is it stress that you need to go to work? Could be, but from my experience I can say there is more than that. What?
We are not just bodies, we have souls that also need rest, and sleeping long hours, and eating good food does not help our souls to rest. A soul needs something else. What could that be? Jesus. His words give rests for our souls. His words do not bring fear, depression, anxiety, hatred or tiredness. No, the system of the world that keeps on people running fueled by ambition, fear, pride and similar things cause them to get tired and depressed. People strive to make money, buy a house, create a great family. Some achieve great success and yet remain angry, unhappy, and frustrated. Things, fame, status, and similar stuff do not give rest and refreshment for their souls.
Jesus invites us to become His disciples and find rest for our souls. Anybody can come. He is waiting. Let's give Him our burdens, fears, anxiety, pride, even ambitions. Let's exchange that to the rest that He gives us. Nothing can be better that to feel His hand gently removing our burdens and His Spirit refreshing us. Let's go to Jesus. God bless you.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
What quenches your spiritual thirst and hunger
“Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money, Come, buy and eat.
Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,And let your soul delight itself in abundance" Isaiah 55:1-2.
We are all spiritual beings. We all have a soul. Well, and obviously the body. We know that we need to feed our bodies right? You just cannot live without eating. Well, you could but only for about 40 days. And without drinking you wouldn't last longer than 3-5 days.
Our souls and spirits are immortal, but they also need food and drink. Some fill their souls by reading, others by watching movies, yet others by taking on different hobbies, or even doing business. I don't know about you, but anything I tried to satisfy my spiritual hunger did not work, except one thing: the word of God and the Spirit of God. I often feel this inner satisfaction by reading the Bible. It is the best food for my soul. Most of the other 'food for the soul' could be categorized as junk food. Not all, but most of it. And you won't get any spiritual strength from that food. It may actually cause you to develop various spiritual diseases like the physical junk food does.
Music, poetry, and artistic things often serve people as the water for the soul. Personally, I found no better water than the experience of infilling of the Holy Spirit while praying.
You can't really get satisfied by anything except God. The satisfaction that we get from physical food, entertainment, art, music, and etc. can only give superficial short-term satisfaction. The eternal part of us, our soul wants God, and His word. Try it yourself. Your soul will delight itself in the food and the drink that God gives - the word of God, and the Holy Spirit. And you won't have to pay anything for it. It is free of charge. The benefits are enormous!
Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,And let your soul delight itself in abundance" Isaiah 55:1-2.
We are all spiritual beings. We all have a soul. Well, and obviously the body. We know that we need to feed our bodies right? You just cannot live without eating. Well, you could but only for about 40 days. And without drinking you wouldn't last longer than 3-5 days.
Our souls and spirits are immortal, but they also need food and drink. Some fill their souls by reading, others by watching movies, yet others by taking on different hobbies, or even doing business. I don't know about you, but anything I tried to satisfy my spiritual hunger did not work, except one thing: the word of God and the Spirit of God. I often feel this inner satisfaction by reading the Bible. It is the best food for my soul. Most of the other 'food for the soul' could be categorized as junk food. Not all, but most of it. And you won't get any spiritual strength from that food. It may actually cause you to develop various spiritual diseases like the physical junk food does.
Music, poetry, and artistic things often serve people as the water for the soul. Personally, I found no better water than the experience of infilling of the Holy Spirit while praying.
You can't really get satisfied by anything except God. The satisfaction that we get from physical food, entertainment, art, music, and etc. can only give superficial short-term satisfaction. The eternal part of us, our soul wants God, and His word. Try it yourself. Your soul will delight itself in the food and the drink that God gives - the word of God, and the Holy Spirit. And you won't have to pay anything for it. It is free of charge. The benefits are enormous!
Friday, April 3, 2020
Unshakable kingdom
"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear" Hebrews 12:28.
Trials and life tests shake everything that can be shaken in our lives. Anything that is not built on a solid foundation will collapse. It looks like the current situation with the Corona Virus is the time when things are being shaken around the world and everybody is affected. People are getting scared and they panic. The mass media is spreading the panic even more. There is a lot of uncertainty. People are wondering how is the pandemic going to end, when, and how things will get back to normal. Fortunately, a bad thing may serve a good purpose. People can start asking questions about meaning in life, their existence, God. And Christians should be ready to help them with the answers. Why?
Because we believe in an unshakable kingdom, where Jesus Christ reigns as King of kings, and Lord of lords. If you believe in Jesus, and you are His disciple, you are a citizen of the kingdom that will last forever. Empires come and go, and so do their rulers. Nothing last forever, except eternal God and his eternal/unshakable kingdom. If you build your life on His word, you really build on a solid foundation. This foundation will hold when trials, storms, and tests come. Let's build our lives on a solid rock - Jesus Christ.
Trials and life tests shake everything that can be shaken in our lives. Anything that is not built on a solid foundation will collapse. It looks like the current situation with the Corona Virus is the time when things are being shaken around the world and everybody is affected. People are getting scared and they panic. The mass media is spreading the panic even more. There is a lot of uncertainty. People are wondering how is the pandemic going to end, when, and how things will get back to normal. Fortunately, a bad thing may serve a good purpose. People can start asking questions about meaning in life, their existence, God. And Christians should be ready to help them with the answers. Why?
Because we believe in an unshakable kingdom, where Jesus Christ reigns as King of kings, and Lord of lords. If you believe in Jesus, and you are His disciple, you are a citizen of the kingdom that will last forever. Empires come and go, and so do their rulers. Nothing last forever, except eternal God and his eternal/unshakable kingdom. If you build your life on His word, you really build on a solid foundation. This foundation will hold when trials, storms, and tests come. Let's build our lives on a solid rock - Jesus Christ.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
God does not change
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" James 1:17.
Have you changed throughout your life? I bet you have. I have. I think differently than I used to when I was a kid, a teenager, or in my twenties. My experiences changed. I believe I got smarter. It is natural for people to change. On the other hand, there is one who doesn't change. That is God. He has always been perfect, loving, giving, full of joy. And He will always remain who He has been from eternity to eternity.
He was a good God when He created the earth, He is a good God now, and He will be a good God in the future. Any character feature He had yesterday, He has today, and will have forever. This is good for us, because we can trust a God like that. He is a reliable personality. We have all the reason to believe that He hasn't lied to us in the Bible. The fact that He does not change is the most solid foundation to base our faith on. Let's trust Him.
Have you changed throughout your life? I bet you have. I have. I think differently than I used to when I was a kid, a teenager, or in my twenties. My experiences changed. I believe I got smarter. It is natural for people to change. On the other hand, there is one who doesn't change. That is God. He has always been perfect, loving, giving, full of joy. And He will always remain who He has been from eternity to eternity.
He was a good God when He created the earth, He is a good God now, and He will be a good God in the future. Any character feature He had yesterday, He has today, and will have forever. This is good for us, because we can trust a God like that. He is a reliable personality. We have all the reason to believe that He hasn't lied to us in the Bible. The fact that He does not change is the most solid foundation to base our faith on. Let's trust Him.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Do you see things in light or in darkness?
"Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness" Luke 11:34.
Your worldview directs your life. It affects how you feel, how you communicate with others, whether you are an optimist or a pessimist. Some people are tuned to see everything from a negative perspective, others, even in the worst circumstances see the light. The good news is that we can choose how to see things. We shape our own outlook to things, people, circumstances. Choose the bright side. Use the Bible to shape your worldview.
You are not a victim, unless you accept the status of one. You are not a loser, unless you succumb to defeat. Even in this current pandemic of the coronavirus, you may choose to see the bright side. And there is more than one. The vast majority of people will recover. Being quarantined you can find your purpose in life as you think about the word of God daily. It's your choice how you build your outlook on life and absolutely everything. Let the word of God guide you in your choices.
Your worldview directs your life. It affects how you feel, how you communicate with others, whether you are an optimist or a pessimist. Some people are tuned to see everything from a negative perspective, others, even in the worst circumstances see the light. The good news is that we can choose how to see things. We shape our own outlook to things, people, circumstances. Choose the bright side. Use the Bible to shape your worldview.
You are not a victim, unless you accept the status of one. You are not a loser, unless you succumb to defeat. Even in this current pandemic of the coronavirus, you may choose to see the bright side. And there is more than one. The vast majority of people will recover. Being quarantined you can find your purpose in life as you think about the word of God daily. It's your choice how you build your outlook on life and absolutely everything. Let the word of God guide you in your choices.
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