Most know that God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. Amazing qualities, huh? However, and this is good for us, He tends to forget some things. And He forgets them forever. How is this possible? Well, He is omnipotent. What are those things that He forgets? Our sins. Really? Yes. Contrary to us, who tend to remember bad stuff people did to us, or bad stuff we have done in our lives, when God forgives us, He completely deletes those out of His memory.
I don't know about you, but that is the best thing about God. He does not hold a grudge against you. If you ask for forgiveness, He forgives. In a split of a second. And He will never ever remind you of those things again. Maybe you don't understand how much it is. If not, you probably have not understood how bad is evil that every one of us do in our lives. It is big. But yet, again, God's love is even greater. To such an extent that He can forgive 7 billion people and never remember anything evil they have done in their lives. This is the gift of all ages from an eternal Holy God to us humans. If you feel guilty about anything you have done in your life - Jesus is the answer. Ask Him to forgive you and He will. And He won't remember. It's great that God has this kind of Amnesia.

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