Wednesday, May 20, 2020

He chose us before creation of the world

"For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight" Ephesians 1:4

You are not an accident in this world. You did not start because your father and mother decided to have a child. The Bible says, that you were on God's mind before the creation of this world. He was thinking about you. He was making a plan for your life. This is a very comforting message. We sometimes feel lonely as if God is millions of miles away. He is not. Not only He made a plan for you, He is always right beside you and makes sure you are protected, loved, cared for. He never leaves you. 

We often look at others and compare ourselves with them and as a result often feel depressed. We feel inferior to those who have achieved more than ourselves, or are more talented than us. We should shift our focus back to how God created us. Everything He does is good. You are created with dignity and to be valuable. His plan for you is good. Therefore, it is not right for you to compare yourself to others. Better, thank Him every day for His plan for you. This will bring satisfaction and progress His good plan for your life. He is always thinking about you. Think about Him too. 

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