"Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace. And if by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work" Romans 11:5-6.
Grace is an unmerited favor of God. God loves you not because you are great (maybe you are), but because He is love. He shows us His favor, not because we deserve it (we don't), but because He is a gracious God. He saves us not according to our works, but because Jesus sacrificed Himself for you and me. You cannot earn the grace of God. It is for free. You cannot please God by your works, because you are sinful. You cannot do anything to earn His salvation. It is for free.
We cannot mix up grace with works when we talk about salvation or justification. It all comes from the grace of God. Our part is to accept it with faith. If salvation came through our good works, then, anybody could earn it. You would try hard enough, push up your score up in the eyes of God, and bam, you gain salvation. This kind of idea is alien to the spirit of the New Testament. Jesus' sacrifice would be unnecessary. But Jesus did not die in vain. His sacrifice is the only valid argument for God to justify us and save us from our sins. After Jesus died and resurrected, God justifies the ungodly by faith. Let's accept that. And be grateful. Works will follow, but they never, ever come before the grace of God.
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