Wednesday, April 22, 2020

God is in control

"The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all" Psalms 103:19.

The current pandemic of coronavirus has generated a lot of talks among Christians and not conspiracy theorists about the upcoming change in the world. Possible global government, massive chipping, one currency, persecution and many more. Well, it's possible. The world has undergone various stages in politics. Various power groups struggled to gain global power. And there are some ideas regarding that in the Bible (book of revelation). However, as a Christian I am really more interested in what God is doing than what various power hungry groups are. 

You know, God never left this earth. He created it. The earth belongs to Him. Nothing happens in the world without His knowledge, and nothing will. He is still on the throne and He is still in control. Jesus Christ is the Savior of our souls and the day is approaching when He is coming back to the earth as the King of kings. That's why I am more interested in God's politics, than the world politics. God is moving things. We are approaching to the end times and we should be more worried about states of our souls than about the state of politics. It's ok to follow that too, but do we see that God is above everything and one day His kingdom will reign forever, and it will never have an end? Even if ungodliness manages to climb on the throne of the global politics, it will be for a short season. God will take over from there. We have to keep serving God and true King Jesus, who will reign forever. Let's keep our focus on God and get courage and peace from Him, even if things might get for the worse. Have faith in God, because eventually, He will visibly rule the world. I am waiting for that type of President. 

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