Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Life by faith

"For we live by faith, not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7.

People tend to live led by their fives senses. It is natural. This is how we survive. However, there is one more essential 'sense' that a lot of people are not aware of or they do not live by it. What is it? It is faith. Most would never believe things they do not see. Well, some would, if they hear it from a person they trust.

Yet, Christians are called to live by faith. We believe things we do not see. We see them with our inner eyes. And we actually live by them. We have never seen Christ (maybe in pictures), but we believe Him. We have never seen the Holy Spirit, but we believe He is with us and in us. We believe that if God said something, it is true and we follow that. Whether it is about His commands, or about His promises. We believe them. Faith causes us to lead a different lifestyle, than the one the world leads. We do things they don't do, and don't do thing they do, because we believe some things are acceptable to God, and others are not. We live by faith every day. Yes, we fail too. But all our life is a journey of faith, and our task is to keep it till the day we go to the other side of eternity and stay forever with the One who is the beginning and end of our faith - Jesus Christ.

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