Monday, April 13, 2020

Our righteous acts

"All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away." Isaiah 64:6.

I assume every person has his/her own scales or right and wrong. We tend to measure bad deeds in relation to good ones. I have met a lot of people who told me that if you do more good than bad you are a good person and God will have to take it into account when you stand in His presence on Judgment Day. That's how a lot of people think.

What is the problem with this type of thinking? The problem is that one day we will stand in front of a perfect God, who has no sin and who is perfect. You cannot be justified by your own works as you cannot justify yourself by doing good, because a perfect God has perfect standards. He does not tolerate anything bad. One single sin by Adam and Eve was enough for them to lose their right standing with God. The same with us. Even if you do more good than bad, it is not enough to be justified by God. You need to get God's forgiveness. Your sins are either all forgiven, or none. Jesus died for all of your sins. So, ask God to forgive all of your sins and all of them will be forgiven.

One good deed by Jesus can make you right with God. What we couldn't do, He did it for us. We can't justify ourselves before Him. He found a perfect way to do it for us. Believe Jesus and you become just in God's eyes. So, which way you choose to justify yourself before God on Judgment Day, your own good works, or the work that Jesus did for you?

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