Sunday, April 5, 2020

What gives you rest?

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls" Matthew 11:28-29

Have you ever been on vacation and when you returned you actually felt you needed another vacation? You did not feel rested. Actually, you might have felt even more tired. What's wrong? You slept well, ate well, and yet felt even more tired after that. Is it stress that you need to go to work? Could be, but from my experience I can say there is more than that. What?

We are not just bodies, we have souls that also need rest, and sleeping long hours, and eating good food does not help our souls to rest. A soul needs something else. What could that be? Jesus. His words give rests for our souls. His words do not bring fear, depression, anxiety, hatred or tiredness. No, the system of the world that keeps on people running fueled by ambition, fear, pride and similar things cause them to get tired and depressed. People strive to make money, buy a house, create a great family. Some achieve great success and yet remain angry, unhappy, and frustrated. Things, fame, status, and similar stuff do not give rest and refreshment for their souls. 

Jesus invites us to become His disciples and find rest for our souls. Anybody can come. He is waiting. Let's give Him our burdens, fears, anxiety, pride, even ambitions. Let's exchange that to the rest that He gives us. Nothing can be better that to feel His hand gently removing our burdens and His Spirit refreshing us. Let's go to Jesus. God bless you. 

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