Tuesday, March 17, 2020

When you are in the darkest valley

"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;" Psalms 23:4.

On what base we should not be afraid? What is that logical argument to be fearless? I mean, there are all logical reasons to be afraid if you are going through the darkest valley. The main question is: are you walking alone? If yes, you have all the reasons to be afraid. If not, who are you walking with? Is it some fellow human? That might give you some extra courage, but it will fade away at the smallest challenge you face along the way. The only reliable companion on your walk that will cause you to feel safe is our God. If He is with you, you have no reason to fear. He can calm down any storm on your way, shine as the brightest light in your darkest valley, and even carry you on His hands if you cannot continue walking. Is He with you? If Jesus is your Lord, yes, He is. Praise God. 

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