Friday, April 17, 2020

God resists the proud

"But the grace that God gives is even stronger. As the scripture says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.James 4:6.

When we talk about things that God dislikes we often fail to mention pride. The fact is that it probably is the main quality that closes the door of Heaven, and Father's heart. God does not answer the prayers of the proud. The proud fail to see they need God. The believe they are good enough without God. They think they can handle everything on their own. They also look down upon others who are inferior to them. They judge others, and fail to see that others might have something that they lack. Thus, God resists them.

On the other hand, God gives grace to those who humble themselves. Those who acknowledge their lack, their weaknesses, sins, and ask for God's help are never left empty-handed. The world despises humility. It considers the quality as a weakness. The world exalts pride as it can be one of the biggest drives to achieve something. It maybe, but the kingdom of God is different, and the King of the kingdom Jesus Christ showed that He is the supreme example of humility.

He was God Almighty, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He had glory in Heaven. With the Father, and the Holy Spirit, He created the Universe. However, He willingly left all the glory, decided to become human in order to redeem the lost world. He was born in a poor family, in a manger among dirty animals as there was no room for them in the inn. For 30 years he worked as a carpenter humbly waiting to start the mission he came to accomplish. He experienced ridicule, verbal abuse, and persecution during His ministry. He chose to be beaten, humiliated, spat on, and eventually crucified so that you and me be forgiven of everything bad we have done in our lives. He also forgave those who crucified Him. Jesus showed what humble attitude we should have towards God. Let's learn from Jesus how to be humble. If we do, God will show us His grace in many unspeakable ways.

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