Thursday, April 16, 2020

God's peace

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" John 16:33

The world has never really been a very peaceful place. Lots of troubling stuff happened in any century. The same can be said about our times. You can decide for yourself by simply reflecting on this:
There are about 40 regional military conflicts going on in the world today.
There are about 10,000 diseases and only 500 known medicines for them (coronavirus is the 10,001 with no cure yet).
150,000 people die every day from various causes. Around 50-60 million people die every year. 
Next financial crisis maybe around the corner. 
Prices and taxes will probably rise. 
Salaries probably won't. 
Nothing is for sure in this world, except death and taxes. 
If you think about the stuff that is happening in the world you will definitely get worried.

But wait? Jesus promised us peace. Despite everything that surrounds you today, you can have peace. Jesus is not trying to frighten you, He is trying to calm you down. He can quiet every storm in your life. Learn to trust Him. He was sleeping on a pillow during the storm, while the disciples were panicking and working hard to get saved from drowning. He was with them, and He is with us. He left His peace for them, and for us. His love is like the Ocean where you can drown all of your worries and gain tremendous peace. Reflect on His goodness, love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness and your mind will be filled with peace. 103 and 91 Psalms do the magic for worried minds. Read them when you feel that you have lost your peace. Focus on Him more than on the troubling things that surround you. 

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